Features Heading

This is a description for the Features section. You can set it up in the Customizer where you can also add items for it.

About Us Heading

This is a description for the About section. You can set it up in the Customizer > Front Page Sections > About Section.

You can find options for this section in: Customizer > Front Page Sections > About Us Section and add items by clicking on Add or edit about boxes. You can also disable this message from Customizer > Settings > Extensions > Disable helpers/placeholders.

Team Heading

This is a description for the Team section. You can set it up in the Customizer where you can also add items for it.

You can find options for this section in: Customizer > Front Page Sections > Team Section and add items by clicking on Add or edit members. You can also disable this message from Customizer > Settings > Extensions > Disable helpers/placeholders.

Clients Heading

This is a description for the Clients section. You can set it up in the Customizer where you can also add items for it.

You can find options for this section in: Customizer > Front Page Sections > Clients Section and add items by clicking on Add or edit clients. You can also disable this message from Customizer > Settings > Extensions > Disable helpers/placeholders.

Portfolio Heading

This is a description for the Portfolio section. You can set it up in the Customizer where you can also change some options.

You need Jetpack - Portfolio module enabled to use this section. Projects will appear here once you activate the plugin. You can also disable this message from Customizer > Settings > Extensions > Disable helpers/placeholders.

Actions Section

You can find options for this section in: Customizer > Front Page Sections > Actions Section and add items by clicking on Add or edit actions.


You can find options for this section in: Customizer > Sections > Testimonials Section and add items by clicking on Add or edit testimonials. You can also disable this message from Customizer > Settings > Extensions > Disable helpers/placeholders.

Pricing Heading

This is a description for the Pricing section. You can set it up in the Customizer where you can also add items for it.

You can find options for this section in: Customizer > Front Page Sections > Pricing Section and add items by clicking on Add or edit package. You can also disable this message from Customizer > Settings > Extensions > Disable helpers/placeholders.

Frequently Asked Questions

This is a description for the FAQ section. You can set it up in the Customizer where you can also add items for it.

You can find options for this section in: Customizer > Front Page Sections > FAQ Section and add items by clicking on Add or edit questions. You can also disable this message from Customizer > Settings > Extensions > Disable helpers/placeholders.

Hero section title goes here.

You can edit this section by going to Customizer > Sections > Hero Section

Blog Heading

This is a description for the Blog section. You can set it up in the Customizer where you can also add items for it.

Resep Ayam Balado

RESEP AYAM BALADO Source ; @silvialim18 Recook : @fangling8 . Bahan ayam goreng: 500 gr daging paha ayam tanpa tulang; cuci bersih & potong sesuai selera lalu berikan 1 sdm bwg putih bubuk, garam & merica secukupnya balur hingga rata diamkan +/- 1 jam dalam kulkas setelah itu beri 2 sdm tepung terigu + 1 […]

Ayam Pedes Daun Jeruk

RESEP AYAM PEDAS DAUN JERUK⁣ by : @amandawati . Bahan:⁣ ½ kg daging ayam⁣ 4 siung bawang putih⁣ 5 siung bawang merah⁣ 10 buah cabe rawit⁣ 8 lbr daun jeruk ⁣ ½ sdm garam⁣ ½ sdm gula⁣ ½ sdt penyedap rasa ⁣ ½ sdt lada bubuk⁣ Minyak goreng secukupnya⁣ ⁣ Cara membuat:⁣ 1. Potong ayam […]

Spiku Korean Cake

Spiku Korean Cake Bahan: 250 gr kuning telur 110 gram gula pasir 50 gram terigu kunci 10 gram maizena 25 gram susu bubuk 1 sdt pasta vanila 100 gram Butter Wisjman cairkan tunggu suhu ruang Topping: Almond Slice Butter cream Meses Keju Parut Cara membuat: 1. Kocok telur dan gula pasir speed max hingga mengembang […]

Resep Kentang Mustopa

RESEP KENTANG MUSTOPA TIPS – NO AIR KAPUR SIRIH tapi kentang setelah di parut dicuci bersih sampai 3 kali air bilasan tujuannya supaya getah kentang hilang dan kentang gak bergerumpal saat digoreng – NO BAW.MERAH di bumbunya, hanya bawang putih saja karena baw.merah bikin lembek dan warna merah gak cantik – Aduk bumbu tetap di […]

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